Whether you’ve had professionals manage your investments before, or you’re completely new to it, we want to make sure you understand the whys and hows of Flow’s investment management approach.
Your 401(k) has a clear purpose: It supports your lifestyle when you become financially independent (aka, retire). But what goal does your regular investment account (“taxable brokerage” account) serve?
If the goal an account serves isn’t clear, it is hard to know how to manage it, and it’s hard to know how well you are progressing towards your goal. To provide that clarity, we encourage our clients to have one goal for each account, be it investment accounts or bank accounts.
Costs are one of the only things you can control as an investor. Low costs are proven to be highly correlated with out-performance. How does Flow keep costs low?
Having more money doesn’t mean you need a more complicated portfolio. Simplicity means you better understand your investment portfolio, and understanding it means you’ll manage it better. Conveniently, simplicity is also often synonymous with “low cost.”
To that end, we use investment models with 4 basic, broad-market funds (5, if we’re using tax-exempt bonds).
If multi-billion-dollar endowments can successfully invest in a low-lost, broad-market portfolio, then so can you.