Do you need to do anything before year’s end in anticipation of the newly reconciled tax bill, likely taking effect January 1? Continue reading
Should I Use My Company Stock to Buy A Home?
Do you work for a company whose stock is stratospheric nowadays? Or are you sitting on a bunch of stock from a company that had a successful IPO? Is this your ticket to homeownership?Continue reading
Protect Your Identity and Data. Financial Security Ain’t All About Your Savings Rate!
You’re probably getting lost in a swirl of holiday activity and online spending, maybe even buying an Amazon Echo or two, so let’s talk about how to protect yourself in this digital world. Continue reading
How to Spend Money During the Holidays, with Joy and Without Fear and Guilt
Are you excited and stressed out about all the shopping you have to do in the next month? Spending Money and Buying Stuff is pretty much the air we breathe from now until 2018 starts.
Should I Pay Down My Mortgage Faster, or Invest More?
Do you have some extra money, and a mortgage, and you’re wondering whether you should put that extra money towards that mortgage?Continue reading
Yes, Even If You’re Good at Saving, You Should Still Track Your Spending (Video)
I Just Bought a House. What Should I Do with My Money Now?
If you want to buy a home in the next 2 months, you should totally become my client.Continue reading
Do I Need Disability Insurance?
Are you looking at your open enrollment paperwork, staring at that Long-Term Disability Insurance option…again…and wondering if this is something you need to worry about?Continue reading
Is Open Enrollment Overwhelming? Just Focus on a Few Things.
Is your open enrollment deadline weighing down on you? Do you feel a persistently anxious feeling because of it?Continue reading
Why Do Women Cry at Work? And How Should We Feel About It?
Subtitle: How to Secure Your Place in Hell
Are You “Bad at Finances”? Pshaw! (Video)
Career Lessons for Women in Tech from the Grace Hopper Conference
Perhaps my most visceral lesson from the recent Grace Hopper conference was “Good lord, Google has a lot of money.”Continue reading