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Block Women is to the left of the image with a black background cutout overlayed a brown wood wall.

Meg’s Musings: Managing Your Finances Is Hard.

Sometimes Meg’s Musings are just a random collection of thoughts I’ve had, without a unifying theme. Other times, I intentionally sort through my musings (which yes! I write down when
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Block Woman surveys 3 piles of coins next to 3 objects: a building; a car; a dog.

Save Up for Big Expenses Ahead of Time. It Forces You to Prioritize Your Goals.

This last March, I took my family on a trip to Europe (London and Paris), a trip that I’d first envisioned in January 2020. Enter pandemic, recovery from pandemic, negotiation
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Block Woman stands at the start of a blurry game board of Life.

How Much Can You Safely Spend from Your Investments?…for the Young and Financially Independent

You have millions of dollars. You’re 40ish years old. You’re financially independent. At least, you think you are. But that all depends on not taking too much money out of
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Block Woman with colored squiggles symbolizing incredulity gazes at a lit number 8 birthday candle atop a miniature white birthday cake.

Reflections on 8 Years of Flow

I ended my reflections on my seventh year in business with this: ​​I am excited to slow down. I am excited to not grind. I am excited to focus on
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A brown puzzle piece is lodged behind the top of Block Woman's head, represented by the highest angle of the triangle-shaped pink block.

What is Financial Planning? A Few Analogies to Help You Understand

What is financial planning, really? What do I do, as a financial planner? What does the relationship between me and my clients look like?
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Block Woman reviews a hand-written list of potential charitable donations. There is a pile of cash underneath the list.

How I Created My Own Charitable Giving Plan: The Final Installation (Probably)

Two major iterations (and several years) later, my charitable plan is finally where I want it to be. That said, even my original plan was good enough as it was!
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Or want to live on the wild side?

Reflections on 5 Years of Flow

May 6, 2021
Pick it for me!
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Block Women is to the left of the image with a black background cutout overlayed a brown wood wall.

Meg’s Musings: Managing Your Finances Is Hard.

July 10, 2024
Block Woman surveys 3 piles of coins next to 3 objects: a building; a car; a dog.

Save Up for Big Expenses Ahead of Time. It Forces You to Prioritize Your Goals.

June 26, 2024
Block Woman stands at the start of a blurry game board of Life.

How Much Can You Safely Spend from Your Investments?…for the Young and Financially Independent

May 29, 2024
Block Woman with colored squiggles symbolizing incredulity gazes at a lit number 8 birthday candle atop a miniature white birthday cake.

Reflections on 8 Years of Flow

May 9, 2024
A brown puzzle piece is lodged behind the top of Block Woman's head, represented by the highest angle of the triangle-shaped pink block.

What is Financial Planning? A Few Analogies to Help You Understand

May 1, 2024
Block Woman reviews a hand-written list of potential charitable donations. There is a pile of cash underneath the list.

How I Created My Own Charitable Giving Plan: The Final Installation (Probably)

April 10, 2024

What Are Estimated Taxes? How Do They Work? What Should You Do About Them?

March 27, 2024
A large dark pink triangle Block Woman is positioned near a smaller light pink triangle Block Child

Did Your Child Earn Money Last Year? You Can Open a Roth IRA for Them.

March 13, 2024
A purple-ish Block Woman views a blurry certificate hanging on the wall

I Work with Early to Mid Career Clients. Why Did I Get a Retirement Professional Designation?

February 28, 2024
Block Woman is perched on a tiny green skate board

Maybe You Can’t Retire Yet, But Can You Stop Worrying About Earning as Much?

February 14, 2024
Block Woman gazes at a jumble of wires and circuit boards. Above Block Woman's head are 2 exclamation marks and 2 question marks.

You Have Millions of Dollars. Perhaps You *Can* Invest in Fancy Investments, But You Needn’t.

January 31, 2024
Block Woman, a pinkish triangle block on the left, is tipping slightly towards an upturned black top hat.

Magical (“Magical”) Personal Finance Tactics

January 10, 2024
Block Woman stands next to stack of papers as tall as she is

What Should You Do with Your Giant Pile of Company Stock?

December 13, 2023
Block Women is posed slightly above the ground with white inverted curves behind her, indicating jumping. There are also exclamation marks above Block Woman's head, symbolizing excitement.

What Are You Excited About?

November 29, 2023
In the foreground, but blurred, are 2 partial Blocks, a pink one the left and a yellow one on the right. In the background but in focus is a small blue Block.

Having Children with Your Unmarried Partner: How to Protect Yourself and Your Children

November 8, 2023