Employer matching contributions to your 401(k) are a beautiful thing. They are also a thing of confusion.
The Curious Math of Roth 401(k)s: You Can Save More Than If You Use a Pre-Tax 401(k)
If your 401(k) offers a Roth option, how do you know if you should contribute to it instead of the usual, pre-tax 401(k)?
Pay Attention to Your Employee Benefits. They Can Be More Important Than Your Salary.
Even though you get paid well in the tech industry–in both dollars and company stock–there’s another part of your total compensation that you should probably pay more attention to: employee benefits.
My company allows me to contribute after-tax money to my 401(k). Should I?
Hopefully you’ve figured out the basics of your 401(k). Maybe you’ve even figured out whether or not you should contribute to your Roth 401(k). But are you ready for The Next Level in 401(k)?
Should you contribute after-tax money to your 401(k)?Continue reading
What Should I Do with My Old 401(k)?
Did you just leave your job? Or did you leave a job a loooong time ago, and just never did anything with that 401(k)?
Continue reading
Is Open Enrollment Overwhelming? Just Focus on a Few Things.
Is your open enrollment deadline weighing down on you? Do you feel a persistently anxious feeling because of it?Continue reading
Why You Should Invest Outside of Your 401(k)
Are you already saving at least 15% for retirement, and you’ve already built your emergency fund up to cover 6 months of basic expenses, and you still have extra money to save? This is a great opportunity for a taxable investment account, also called a brokerage account.
What Should I Do With My Signing Bonus?
Congratulations! You’ve got a job offer! And not only did you get an offer, but the wooing company promises to give you a big fat check on Day 1 to show you how much they care. Yes, the famed Signing Bonus.Continue reading
Maxing Out Your 401(k) Is Not Enough
Okay, it’s a little click-bait-y, but it’s true! For some of you, at least.Continue reading
You Work So Hard for Your Income. Protect It Already.
I’m going to guess you don’t usually think along these lines, right? Except you probably do think about life insurance and know you should have it.
Tired of Working in a Boys’ Club? Start Building a Club that Works for You.
I work with women in tech. Yes, I might talk with one woman about how to invest her 401(k) or another about what to do with her stock options. But I find the one topic that comes up with just about every woman I talk to: Continue reading
Help! My 401(k) is crappy.
I’d like to think that 401(k)s at high-tech companies would be inexpensive to administer, provide employee-friendly interfaces, and be full of broadly-diversified, low-cost funds. Continue reading