The rental market can be intimidating. Below is some guidance on basics for house/apartment renting prep so you can have your best foot forward, thought it would be helpful to share! Continue reading
What drives people to reach out to me? and other lessons for you and me alike from my first few months in business.
I have been surprised by some recent conversations with potential clients. And while they were certainly instructive for me, I thought they’d also be instructive for You Out There, you who might be wondering if you need or deserve a financial planner.Continue reading
“Essentialism” and the Disciplined Pursuit of a Better Financial Future.
I recently read the book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, by Greg McKeown. To vastly simplify it: time is a finite resource, spend it well. As I read it, I was struck by how this book’s philosophy and recommendations translate darn near exactly into effective financial planning. Continue reading
Tired of Working in a Boys’ Club? Start Building a Club that Works for You.
I work with women in tech. Yes, I might talk with one woman about how to invest her 401(k) or another about what to do with her stock options. But I find the one topic that comes up with just about every woman I talk to: Continue reading
A Gender Gap Women Can Get Behind
Gender gaps usually don’t usually work in women’s favor. The pay gap. Representation at the executive level. Number of female founders. These all hurt women financially. Continue reading
My company hit it big! What do I do with all this stock?
Some of the problems in the high tech industry are enviable problems to have. To wit: having a lot of company stock because your company made it big.Continue reading
Strategies for Maximizing College Financial Aid. Part 2.
Hopefully last week’s blog post helped you understand generally how financial aid works and when you should start doing what. This week, let’s dig into specific strategies and tactics you can use to maximize your child’s financial aid.Continue reading
Strategies for Maximizing College Financial Aid. Part 1.
And in this corner, striking terror, hope, and confusion in parents’ hearts for years: College financial aid!Continue reading
Moving from Big Money to Much Smaller Money.
Expenses > Income for too longContinue reading
Help! My 401(k) is crappy.
I’d like to think that 401(k)s at high-tech companies would be inexpensive to administer, provide employee-friendly interfaces, and be full of broadly-diversified, low-cost funds. Continue reading
College Planning: When they’re not little any more
Most of what we hear about the cost of college is How High it is and How Early and How Much you’d better save if you want to send your kids. It’s as if the collective consciousness has forgotten that an equation always has two sides.
Continue reading
To Buy, or Not to Buy. THAT is the question.
A friend accused me of “skirting the issue” in a previous blog post about homes in high-cost-of-living areas. Continue reading