is You.Continue reading
Great Finances Are Worthless If You’re Miserable.
You know how I’m always harping on building your network? How you never know when you’re going to need a stock-option specialist, or patent lawyer, or angel investor, or concierge doctor, or 401(k) plan administrator…or mental health professional?
Buyer’s Remorse? Don’t Let It Distract You
‘Tis the day after Christmas, and although I’m writing this before Christmas, I’ve been through enough Christmases to know how it feels to look around the chaotic living room and wonder “did I really need to buy All This Stuff?” (times 10 if you have children)
No, Your Neck Is NOT Supposed to Feel Like That.
Who here has worked in the tech industry for more than a few months and not experienced some sort of physical discomfort? Well, keep reading anyways…’cause it’s coming.Continue reading
Two Must-Read Books for Women in Tech
Are you early-to-mid-career with bigger career aspirations? Is it cold and dark (and maybe even rainy) where you live, too, and you’re looking for indoors entertainment? Well then, pull up the easy chair, heat up a mug of hot cocoa, and read these two recent books:Continue reading
Looking for a Financial Planner: The Great Unknown
“I’m not all that sure what they do. Or how to find them. Or how they work. Or how much they cost. Or how to choose one.”Continue reading
How Can Women in Tech Help?
Last week I published a minimalist blog post the day after the presidential election giving the standard (and sensible) financial advisor advice: Continue reading
In the Aftermath of Yesterday’s Election, What Can You Do? What Should You Do?
Emotions are running high today. I get it. Mine are, frankly, stratospheric. I will probably find myself rather useless today.Continue reading
Can You Bench Press Your Next Salary Negotiation?
You’re talented. You work hard. But do you find yourself underpaid, under-promoted, under-funded, or under-respected? Let me ask you: Have you been exercising your negotiation muscles?Continue reading
“Oh, Girl. You CAN’T Do THAT.” The First Rule of Personal Finance.
While in San Diego recently, I took an Uber ride. (On a disappointingly aborted trip to take a couple of awesome 93-year-old women out to lunch in La Jolla.)Continue reading
“Financial Planning Philosophy? Hunh?” Yep. And You Should Care, Too.
Shortly after I launched my firm, a woman I’d worked with in my past life reached out to me. She wanted to talk about how I might help her with some company stock (okay, a lot of company stock). And out of the gate, she asked, “So what’s your financial planning philosophy?”Continue reading
The Silver Lining of Industry Under-Representation
Shorter bathroom lines.Continue reading