Communicate, communicate, communicate. This is the first rule of working with a financial planner. (It is also, by the way, the first rule of estate planning.) If you can only
A couple weeks ago, I almost-not-really got scammed. A man called me from Capital One’s fraud department to confirm that I had not, in fact, made some purchases. (No, I
I’m thinking of changing my firm’s tagline to “Unsexy finances for people solving important problems.” A friend of mine pointed me to this LinkedIn post: And it got me a’thinkin’.
Or “Why just putting all your money in the S&P 500 isn’t enough.” (Okay, probably isn’t enough. I’m not allowed to say much that is definitive about investing.) Recently I
Do you have an old 401(k)? Or possibly four? The best time to make a decision about an old 401(k) is shortly after leaving the company. The next best time
After two years of annual client-feedback surveys, I have learned two important things: I suck at writing client-feedback surveys. Talking with a financial planner who really knows and cares for