Having a professional invest your money is not about beating the market. It’s about beating what you’d do on your own.
I have a mountain of cash. I know I should probably be doing something better with it. But what?
Do you have a goodly amount of money, but it’s all sitting in cash? Maybe you’ve gone so far as to put it into a high-yield online account, but still, it’s making at most 1.5% interest each year?
Choose Reasonable Investments by Following 3 Simple Rules
“Reasonable?” you say. “How about Great? Or even Good?”Continue reading
Should I Pay Down My Mortgage Faster, or Invest More?
Do you have some extra money, and a mortgage, and you’re wondering whether you should put that extra money towards that mortgage?Continue reading
Investing in Individual Stocks is Cheap and Easy. And Dangerous.
Low-cost stock-trading platforms have been around for years. E*Trade, Schwab, TDAmeritrade. Continue reading
Why You Should Invest Outside of Your 401(k)
Are you already saving at least 15% for retirement, and you’ve already built your emergency fund up to cover 6 months of basic expenses, and you still have extra money to save? This is a great opportunity for a taxable investment account, also called a brokerage account.
What Does Career Success Look Like in Actual Dollars?
I frequently talk about how important it is for you to build up a professional network. Cultivate an Old Girls’ Club. Spend time and money to improve your career skills and connections. In fact, it’s kind of my “thing.”Continue reading
Playing Financial Self-Defense
Last week President Trump issued an order effectively gutting the Department of Labor’s rule that protects your retirement accounts against intentionally bad advice.Continue reading
The Best Investment You’ll Ever Make
is You.Continue reading
For New Year’s, A Diet That You Can Stick With
It’s the new year, and holiday indulgences are lying heavily on us. Do you feel the annual urge to shed the excess?
Investing: A Primer. Which is Pretty Much All You Should Need.
I almost never write about plain old investing. For one, pretty much everyone else already does. Then there’s the fact that it’s rather boring. Add on to that it’s oftentimes nowhere near the most important part of your financial life and BAM! no blog posts.Continue reading
Are THESE Robots Better for Women?
Roboadvisors are so 2015. Roboadvisors for women are what all the cool kids are talking about in 2016. Roboadvisors are, at the core, software. So, can this software be designed to serve women better?Continue reading