Reflections on 5 Years of Flow

In May 2020, just a couple months into quarantine, I wrote in my Reflections on 4 Years of Flow:

The pandemic and the associated economic chaos might well be the defining feature of Year 5. One client has already left Flow as a result of it. Other clients have had their incomes significantly reduced. And yet others are having a much harder time finding new jobs.

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Meg’s Musings (Inaugural!)

Block Women is to the left of the image with a black background cutout overlayed a brown wood wall.

One of the most wonderful parts of being a personal financial planner is that I get to see inside the lives and heads (and neuroses…of which I have my fair share, too) of lots of people. My clients share a touching amount of their lives with me. I try quite hard, indeed, to cultivate a relationship and environment in which people feel comfortable doing that. I believe the fleece jacket goes a long way.Continue reading