When you get a job offer, or a raise, or a bonus, you’re probably simply told that you’ll be receiving more restricted stock units or more stock options as part of that compensation package. But on occasion folks are given the choice: Do you want RSUs or stock options?
Without Cash, We Don’t Know What We’re Doing With Our Money (Video)
When’s the Best Time to Hire a Financial Planner? Before You “Need” One.
I must start with an acknowledgment that this blog post is clearly self-serving. It also happens to be something I genuinely believe.
What happens to my stock options after my company goes IPO?
Congratulations! It might seem like all tech companies go IPO, but that’s not true. In going IPO, your company is in rarified company. And now visions of sugarplums, I mean, wealth are dancing in your head.
Do you want to be more politically involved? Being intentional about your finances can help.
Money, politics, and sex. Three things you’re not supposed to talk about in polite company. So, let’s talk about them. At least, the first two. I’ve got to know you a bit better before we talk about sex. I’m an old-fashioned kind of gal in that way.
Want to Buy a Home? Don’t Forget Boring Ol’ Maintenance Costs. Welcome to My Journey as a Homeowner.
I want to paint walls something other than Sherwin Williams Pure White SW 7005. I want to plant a garden and not have to leave it after just a few years. I want a better kitchen! I want to buy a home!
Ideas for Improving Your Career if You Ran the Business of “You” Instead of Being an Employee (Video)
I bet you spend almost all your work time doing the job you’re paid to do. But what if you were running a business (You) selling a product (your labor) to customers (employers)? How would you work on your business?
My company doesn’t match my 401(k) contributions (or it’s a very small match). Should I still use my 401(k)?
Employer matching contributions to your 401(k) are a beautiful thing. They are also a thing of confusion.
Before You Invest Your Money, Make Sure You Understand What You’re Investing In
I recently spoke with a prospective client who wants to make sure their advisor can advise on cryptocurrencies, because they own some.
Cryptocurrencies fall cleanly outside of my investment philosophy, which is, in a word, boring: low-cost, broadly diversified investments that try to match the market performance, not beat it.
Changing your financial behavior is hard. Leverage your community!
Changing your behavior is essential to accomplishing anything great in your life, right? Skip your traditional Sunday brunch so you can train more for that triathlon. Study every night instead of hanging with friends so you can get an MBA.
And when you start working on your personal finances, you’re going to be asked to change your behavior, at least in some small way.
A Tesla won’t scotch your financial prospects. Your recurring expenses will.
A lot of my clients fret over a large one-time expense–a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, a huge home remodel, a fancy electric car–and waste much less angst on their monthly expenses. Turns out, they’ve got it backwards.
Life and Financial Lessons from Two Years of Flow
Flow is two years old today. Starting and growing the firm has been stressful, invigorating, challenging, educational (boy howdy), gratifying, ego-stroking, ego-crushing, and validating.Continue reading