Don’t Put Your Tax Return Away Yet! Look for a Few Bits to Improve Your Finances Going Forward.

Tax Day arrives abruptly for Flow Financial Planning's Block Woman.

Welp, you’ve done your taxes. At least, I sure hope you have. 

In this here blog post, I wish not to look backwards and cast aspersions at the IRS or the Trump Administration or your company’s HR department (although lord knows, at times they’ve all deserved it…some more than others). Instead I want to show how you might use your 2018 tax return to make your ongoing finances better.

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Your paystub can be very informative. And also wrong. When’s the last time you double-checked yours?

Flow FP's block woman contemplates her pay stub, noting the incorrect entry.

In the last month, two of my clients have looked at their paystubs and realized that their 401(k) contributions were going into Roth instead of pre-tax. This wouldn’t be a problem except for the fact that both of these clients had, months earlier, changed their 401(k) contributions away from Roth and into pre-tax. And somehow it didn’t “take.” This caused an administrative pain in the butt and higher-than-planned taxes.
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