Overwhelmed by Your Financial To-Do List? There’s Hope (And a Few Practical Solutions).
You Don’t Have Big Goals Right Now. That’s Okay! Keep Checking Back with Yourself.
Continue readingI’ve got simple tastes.
I’m pretty happy with my life the way it’s going.
I can’t think of anything I’d change.
Making Decisions Is Exhausting. Rules and Automation Help You Make Fewer Decisions in your Finances.
You and I probably have at least one thing in common: the administrative burden of modern life is exhausting. Overwhelming. Frustrating. Just nothing good about it, but we can’t escape it.
Continue readingReflections On 6 Years of Flow
Whew. This last year—Flow’s 6th—was a lot. Pandemic. Politics. Climate. Politics. Economy. Emerging from the pandemic.
As is the tradition, let us look back upon the last year of Flow.
(We celebrate Flow’s birthday on May 9. If you want, read my Year 5, Year 4, Year 3 and Year 2 reflections).
Continue readingHas your tax season sucked? Make some changes now to make next year better (suck less).
If your tax season sucked (stressed out, last-minute activity, uncertainty, unexpectedly big tax payments), then, while the pain is still fresh, let’s think about how to make your life way less stressful next year.
Continue readingDon’t hang out with billionaires. (Video)
Thinking About Leaving Your Job? Think Through These Things First.
As The Great Resignation continues to unfold, have you been tempted to put in your own two weeks’ notice? Perhaps you’ve even fantasized about your own version of the moment that JetBlue flight attendant announced his resignation over the PA system and exited his plane in glorious fashion.
Continue readingDreaming of a mid-career break? Here’s how one woman in tech took the leap, despite her fears.
When I was 23, I threw caution to the wind by quitting my first “real” job, at a sales company. Rather than doing something conventional like getting a new position or applying to grad school first, I instead headed to Europe for a two-month solo backpacking trip.
Continue readingMoney and Time Both Feel Scarce. How Can You Feel More Abundant?
One of the primary concerns of the women we work with is a sense of overwhelming busy-ness. If they were granted three wishes, finding a sense of “time spaciousness” would be at the top of their wish list.
Continue readingWhat I—and Hopefully You—Can Learn from My 85-Year-Old Aunt.
She and her dog stopped along the trail through the chaparral. She bent over and took something out of her cargo pants pocket. “Is that a pedometer?” “Yes,” she responded. “I try to walk three miles a day, between these walks and walking around the house.”
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