Meg’s Musings (Inaugural!)

Block Women is to the left of the image with a black background cutout overlayed a brown wood wall.

One of the most wonderful parts of being a personal financial planner is that I get to see inside the lives and heads (and neuroses…of which I have my fair share, too) of lots of people. My clients share a touching amount of their lives with me. I try quite hard, indeed, to cultivate a relationship and environment in which people feel comfortable doing that. I believe the fleece jacket goes a long way.Continue reading

Don’t Put Your Tax Return Away Yet! Look for a Few Bits to Improve Your Finances Going Forward.

Tax Day arrives abruptly for Flow Financial Planning's Block Woman.

Welp, you’ve done your taxes. At least, I sure hope you have. 

In this here blog post, I wish not to look backwards and cast aspersions at the IRS or the Trump Administration or your company’s HR department (although lord knows, at times they’ve all deserved it…some more than others). Instead I want to show how you might use your 2018 tax return to make your ongoing finances better.

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