When you log on to your 401(k) website at, say, Fidelity, do you see a mysterious mention of a “BrokerageLink®”? Have you ever wondered what it is and whether you should use it?
It’s easy to think that if you make a lot of money, your financial life should be easy. But if you’re anxious, you have every reason to be! Finances in tech are straight up complicated. And the risks of loss or lost opportunity are real.
A curious thing is happening when big tech companies, like Lyft and Uber, go IPO nowadays. I mean, aside from the fact that their stock immediately starts losing value…although that figures into my point, which is:
I am occasionally the introspective sort. And occasionally others benefit from those introspections, so I thought I’d publish said introspections on the last three years. Here’s my two-year retrospective.Continue reading
Have you started to hear rumblings from your friends, colleagues, family, or the media that a recession is probably coming soon? Are you nursing a fair bit of anxiety about it? Continue reading
When you look forward 5, maybe 10 years, do you see yourself not in the tech industry anymore? Lots of women leave tech, for good reasons and bad. If it’s a possibility for you, what are you doing now to prepare for it?